Aretha Franklin had 4 adult sons who bear a striking resemblance to their mother in videos

Even though there are several aspects about the late Aretha Franklin that most people know, not many people knew her four children and what they are up to.

The singer, who is also known as the Queen of Soul, was married two different times – Theodore White Sr. from 1961 to 1969 and Glynn Turman from 1978 to 1984 – and gave birth to four sons.

Clarence Franklin is one of them. Aretha became pregnant with him when she was only 12 years old. The baby was born in January 1955, and she decided to name him after her father, Clarence L. Franklin.

When that story was shared, several people thought that Aretha’s father got her pregnant, but it was later revealed that Donald Burk, a young man she went to school with, was the boy’s father.

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Knowing that raising a child being one herself was probably very difficult, Clarence has confessed he is grateful to his mother for doing her best.

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Aretha’s second son is Edward Franklin. He was born in January 1957, when the singer was only 14 years old. Apart from the name, Edward Jordan, there are not many details about his father.

Source: YouTube/JazzJewelsTV

Even though Edward Jr. never embarked in a solo career, he sang next to his mother a couple of times, proving that the music runs through the Franklin family. They even recorded a song for her Christmas album.


Aretha married Theodore White Sr. in 1961 when she was 19 years old. Three years later, they welcomed Theodore Jr. to the world. The man is the most musically involved sibling as he played the guitar for his mother’s band many times and has been an opening act for Red Hot Chili Peppers, Seal, INXS, and The Verve Pipe.


The Queen of Soul’s fourth and final son is Kecalf Franklin, born in March 1970 to Aretha and Ken Cunningham. Even though they never got married, they dated from 1968 to 1976.

Source: YouTube/yaskam

Kecalf is also involved in the entertainment industry as he is a Christian rapper who joined his mother a few times on stage.


Don Wilson, Aretha’s lawyer, revealed that she didn’t leave a will or trust to her $80 million estates although he kept trying to convince her to do so, especially when she learned about her terminal illness.

However, it was not like if she didn’t want to pass on her fortune as Don revealed that she just “never got around” to it.

Without that document, her four sons are expected to divide her estate up equally among them. Unfortunately, the process could take years even if there is no conflict between the family members.
